
How To Remove Burnt Sugar From A Pan

When cooking or melting sugar, there's a very loftier risk of burning it. Sugar is usually quick to melt and, therefore, in higher temperatures, information technology could be easily burnt. In these situations, it's essential to know how to get burnt sugar off of a pan without damaging the pan or causing further hassle.

Everything Almost Burnt Sugar

getting burnt sugar off pan

Burnt sugar is normally an important ingredient in some desserts like pound cake, burnt sugar cake, syrup topped cheesecake, and sometimes in beefiness and poultry recipes. This is unremarkably in Trinidad and Tobago cuisine, only is also widely used in other areas of the world. This is usually termed "caramelized sugar."

The term "burnt" sugar is quite sarcastic, as you don't really burn down the carbohydrate. In fact, you need to avoid burning it so it doesn't go bitter. Burnt carbohydrate is relatively easy to make. Nonetheless, when caramelizing carbohydrate, it needs patience and focus.

You tin can't leave your sugar on the heat as information technology would most probably get burnt and stick to your pan or your pot. When you encounter this sticky situation, information technology may be challenging and might cause quite a ruckus, especially if it's your first time. Some other thing about burnt sugar is that it tin be stubbornly attached to the pan and therefore really difficult to scrape or clean off the pan.

Like shooting fish in a barrel Ways of Getting Burnt Carbohydrate Off a Pan

There are many like shooting fish in a barrel methods to attempt to get pan stains off your pans. However, burnt sugar stains can be a tougher opponent to get off a pan, and then you might need to follow more specific rules and methods. Here are some methods that you tin can follow.

Baking Soda Method

remove burnt sugar from pan

Baking soda has been very effective in cleaning and is involved in a lot of home-based cleaning processes. Baking soda has been popular for its annoying characteristics and for beingness multi-purpose. For this method, you would need to gear up:

  • 2 cups of baking soda
  • Ample water to cover the bottom of the pan


  1. Have the pan with the burnt sugar sticking to it and sprinkle baking soda onto it.
  2. Add together water and make sure that information technology's just enough to cover the bottom of the pan.
  3. Fix your stove on depression rut and allow the pan to simmer for 15 minutes. This depends on the size and the corporeality of the stuck burnt saccharide. If you are dealing with larger bulks, and so y'all can leave it on for 30–40 minutes.
  4. Later on the process, y'all can proceed to wash the pan every bit normal. The burnt sugar will supposedly fall off fleck past bit.

Bar Keeper'south Friend (BKF)

how to clean hardened sugar

Bar Keeper'southward Friend, or famously termed equally BKF, is a surface polisher and cleanser used for countertops fabricated of ceramic, fiberglass, tile, stainless steel, porcelain, and many other materials. BKF is unremarkably used for countertops, only this potent powder is also helpful in removing stuck burnt sugar from your pans.

All the same, it's of import to notation that y'all demand to bank check the material of your pan and cross-check if it is compatible with BKF to avert damage to the pan. For this method, you would demand to fix the following.

  • BKF in powder form
  • A sponge (specifically for cleaning dishes or pans)


  1. Go the pan and sprinkle BKF onto the surface of the pan.
  2. Leave it for 2 to three minutes.
  3. Take the cleaning sponge and gently wipe and rub the surface in circular motions. This will loosen the bits of burnt sugar. Scrubbing volition not be required at this point because the cleaner will have done its job of loosening the bits.
  4. When you are dealing with more stubborn bits and bulks of burnt sugar, you can add a bit of water to the powder and create a paste with the combination.
  5. Get out the paste on for 2-3 minutes before using the sponge.
  6. You can now get the cleaning sponge and go on to make circular motions to loosen the burnt sugar from the pan.

Hydrogen Peroxide Method

how to remove burnt sugar from pan

Hydrogen peroxide is likewise a expert way of removing stains without scrubbing. For this method, you will demand to gear up hydrogen peroxide and your stove.


  1. 12 inches of hydrogen peroxide should be added to the bottom of the pan.
  2. Prepare your stove and bring it to a boil.
  3. Make sure that yous open up a window and that the room is well ventilated, as boiling hydrogen peroxide tin be smelly.
  4. After boiling, you tin can reduce the temperature level and bring it to a simmer for 10 minutes.
  5. You tin beginning getting the stains off the pans and they should exist off with not much effort.

Vinegar Method

Vinegar Method

Vinegar has too been a go-to cloth in terms of cleaning and removing stains. Methods involving vinegar are usually like shooting fish in a barrel and simple. For this method, y'all would demand to gear up the following.

  • ane cup of vinegar, or equally much as you need.
  • A sponge (specifically for cleaning dishes or pans)


  1. Use an aplenty amount of vinegar to embrace the bottom of the pan.
  2. You can identify the pan on the stove and let it simmer gently for 15 minutes.
  3. Let the pan sit and absurd.
  4. After cooling down, you can starting time scrubbing gently using the cleaning sponge.

If you don't feel like simmering vinegar, you can attempt this method instead.


  1. Cascade an aplenty corporeality of vinegar into the pan, just enough to embrace the bottom of the pan.
  2. Exit the pan overnight.
  3. Afterward a night of vinegar soaking, you can proceed to gently scrub with the sponge. This process will non only help in removing the burnt saccharide, but will as well leave the pan shiny after the process.

Fabric Softener Canvass Method

Fabric Softener Sheet

In the textile softener sheets method, you will need to prepare the following:

  • Fabric softener sheets (as much as you need)
  • ane tablespoon material softener (optional)
  • Water (as much as needed)
  • Sponge specifically designed for dish cleaning


  1. Fill ¼ of the pan with water.
  2. Identify the pan on the stove and set it in depression heat until it reaches a eddy.
  3. Remove information technology from the stove.
  4. Add together the textile softener sheet.
  5. You can leave the pan for a few hours, or you tin leave information technology overnight.
  6. Get the sheet out and you can scrub the surface with the cleaning sponge.

If you lot are using textile softener as a substitute, you tin can follow the following steps.

  1. Add together it to the water equally you are boiling it and stir thoroughly.
  2. Leave the pan for several hours or overnight.
  3. Wash information technology as you would.

In whatever way you choose to do this procedure, brand sure to rinse it thoroughly with soapy water to avert having any residue stuck in the pan.

Other Ways of Removing Burnt Sugar from a Pan


Soaking Clean Pan

One like shooting fish in a barrel and common mode to remove any burnt or stuck ingredients is to soak them in water. To exist more effective, add together a bit of dish detergent to the mixture and let it soak overnight.

Another thing that yous tin practise alongside soaking in soapy water is to glaze the bottom of your pan with a thick layer of ketchup.

The ketchup's acidity will eat away the burnt sugar and will aid in making it easier to clean. If you lot happen to exist out of ketchup in your pantry, you lot tin can substitute the post-obit:

  • Coca cola
  • Fabric softener

Dishwashing tablet

Dishwashing Tablet Clean Pan

Dishwashing tablets can also be very helpful in removing tough stains. These tablets are really designed to interruption down caked-on food or ingredients. For this quick method, all you accept to exercise is fill the pan with water and drop in the tablet similar a bath flop.

Identify the pan on the stove and bring the water to a eddy. When it boils, reduce it to a simmer for 10 minutes.

Cream of tartar

Cream Of Tartar Clean Pan

This blistering ingredient is also mildly abrasive, which makes it a bully assistance in scrubbing stuck burnt sugar off a pan. Cream of tartar is also acidic, which helps in breaking down caked-on nutrient.

For this method, yous would need to brand a paste past mixing cream of tartar and white vinegar. Then, you lot tin use the mixture to scrub the burnt sugar away.

Can foil

If the sponge you are using is non capable of making a positive change on the stain-removal procedure, you can employ tin foil as a substitute instead. You have to gyre a piece of tinfoil into a ball. Sprinkle ample amounts of blistering soda into the pan.

Then, use the rolled tin foil to scrub the pan. Y'all would be surprised at how constructive this ball scrub is. However, this method is limited to metallic pans because using information technology on non-stick and ceramic finishes might cause scratches.


Getting tough stains out can exist challenging work. Burnt carbohydrate is a particularly difficult stain to remove. This is a particularly common state of affairs too, because sugar easily burns when left unattended.

Caramelized saccharide is as well usually used in desserts as well. In tough situations similar having burnt saccharide on the pan, it's essential to know how to get burnt sugar off a pan.


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